Solving git merge conflicts with VIM

A flow so smooth you’d be wishing for conflicts to happen Photo by [I use VIM] ( These lines are written in VIM, and so does every single line of code I write. Git has become an integrated tool of almost everyone in tech...

 ·  3 minute read  ·   

A 6-minute introduction to HELM

Simplifying Kubernetes application management Photo by After completing a 4-month period on a client’s project that included a complete migration from “raw” K8S-yaml-files to Helm Charts, I figured I need to put the things I’ve learned in writing for others to read, and for me to b...

 ·  5 minute read  ·   

On-prem resources slow you down

The real cost of hesitation with migration to the cloud Photo by Regulations, compliance, security, long-term contracts, and even politics are common answers to “Why are you not deployed on a public cloud?” But the most common answer I keep hearing is “It’s just too expensive”. Is ...

 ·  8 minute read  ·   

Creating Homebrew taps for private internal tools

Making your fellow developers happy even before using your app By: TL;DR: After completing the CLI I wrote for my coworkers to be able to easily release code to production, I had a hard time trying to create my own Homebrew Tap for a private Github repo. I found a mix of information,...

 ·  3 minute read  ·   

K8s will not solve your storage problems

And it shouldn’t, so don’t let it At ProdOps, we get to see and work with a wide range of clients. A general assumption about k8s, is that you can scale anything, to solve any problem. Yes, even if you’re running databases as pods. It’s important to stress the fact that while k8s is a great or...

 ·  2 minute read  ·