A shot at solving the world of cloud infrastructure and integrations

A customary TL;DR Integration and provisioning of infrastructure takes time. Doing it good takes a ton of it. It is usually repetitive work, done in a non-optimal manner with an end result that’s probably the who-knows-which duplication of the same exact structure. We’re working on a platform ...

 ·  9 minute read

Unleash the Power of Vim Macros

In my first Vim post I had a long discussion with one of the readers over macros. He just couldn’t get his head around the idea. As I was doing my best to explain, I realized that specific examples don’t always go all the way in demonstrating an idea. This post will cover the what’s and the why’...

 ·  4 minute read  ·   

Vim A to Z, Literally.

TL;DR - ish: This post is a list of options and keystrokes in Vim, if this is the first time you’re getting to know them, take your time, read some, memorize and go back once you feel comfortable with taking more in. Vim is overwhelming if you’re just getting started, but it’s even more reward...

 ·  11 minute read  ·